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5 tips for an efficient check-in process for your vacation rental

In the entire traveler's journey, there are two steps that are important: the check-in / the check-out of your vacation rental. In this first part, we are going to focus on the arrival of travelers in a vacation rental and suggest 5 keys for a smooth check-in of your guests.

The check-in in seasonal rental

The arrival of the travelers is an important step during a stay in short term rental. Indeed, it gives the kick-off of your guests' stay. It is therefore essential that the check-in takes place without a hitch so that your guests can start their stay on the right foot!

5 tips for a smooth check-in of travelers in a vacation rental

The arrival of your travelers is one of the highlights of the traveler experience. Here are 5 tips to ensure a smooth arrival!

1. Clearly announce check-in times in your communication

Clear communication is essential to avoid any nasty surprises or misunderstandings. Therefore, on your rental listing on booking portals or directly on your own website, through your email or SMS communication, it is essential to clearly announce the check-in times to your travelers.

Remember also that the arrival of holidaymakers can quickly be subject to unforeseen circumstances: train delays, traffic jams etc. Make sure you remain flexible and reachable.

2. Give a nice personal welcome to your travelers during check-in

If you offer a welcome in person, you'll want to make a friendly impression on your travelers and give them all the keys, literally and figuratively, to have a pleasant stay.

Offering a small welcome gift to your guests can make a difference in the traveler experience, and you'll create a positive surprise - an essential asset to aim for positive reviews on booking platforms at the end of their stay.

Also think about giving them the essential information about the rental without being too boring. Also, be sure to include solid local recommendations, tips and things to do in the area. A little attention to detail goes a long way. The rest of the info you wish to provide your guests will be spelled out in your Guest Guide.

There are a few ingredients to a quality welcome!

Blog: Find 7 tips to optimize your welcome in seasonal rental.

3. Offer autonomous arrival

We talked about it in our Airbnb guide as well as in our article "5 advantages of a lockbox", the autonomous arrival is also in vogue and offers more flexibility to your travelers and less hassle for you.

So if you offer autonomous check-in, make sure to give all the key information in your communication to access the key box, for example the 4 digit code etc. You can also opt for smart locks and play the smart home card. Find our complete guide on this subject.

4. Provide travelers with all necessary documents

Particularly in the case of an independent arrival, make sure that you provide travelers with the documents they need for a smooth stay, either electronically or in paper format:

This way, your travelers will have all the information they need for a pleasant stay.

5. Organize the check-in via a check-in agency or via a concierge service

To rent your vacation rental with peace of mind and free yourself from redundant check-ins and check-outs, you can also call on various professional services:

  • A concierge service for vacation rentals
  • A vacation rental agency
  • A check-in agency

These services are not free of course, but they can greatly facilitate the management of your rental business. It's up to you!

5 points to remember for a smooth arrival of travelers

  1. Clear communication of check-in times
  2. Give a positive welcome to the arrival of the travelers
  3. Offer a flexible arrival
  4. Send all necessary documents to guests
  5. Use a professional service

See you next week for the second part of our mini-series, this time dedicated to check-out / departure of tenants.


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