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Airbnb summer release 2022

Airbnb just announced through the Airbnb 2022 Summer Release one of the biggest changes to the Airbnb platform in a decade.

The new features are:

Airbnb Categories

Airbnb Categories is a new way for guests to search for vacation rentals. To start, it offers the potential guest more flexibility when looking for rentals. Guests will now be able to broadly search for vacation rentals, even if they don’t know exactly which country they want to go to. Airbnb Categories is based on keywords, pictures, and amenities. This way, guests will be able to discover some of the more unique vacation rentals offered on the platform and vacation rentals that they would otherwise never have been aware of.

There are hundreds of types of vacation rentals around the world, from gems of design and architecture to historic enclaves, stays natural parks, to more unique types of vacation rentals. The new categories allow potential guests to filter through dozens of different types of rentals and see at a glance the innumerable rental possibilities that exist on the platform.

Airbnb Summer Release 2022

A total of 56 categories are offered, divided by type, location and proximity to activities and experiences. The categories encompass a total of more than 4 million vacation rentals worldwide. One of the objectives is to reduce the overcrowding in the most common vacation rental spots and provide the opportunity to for guests discover and promote lesser-known places.

Split Stays

With this innovative feature, Airbnb offers guests on longer stays to split their trip between two rentals.

As we announced a few months ago, travel trends are changing. The preference for longer stays is one of the most important travel trends for 2022. The new Airbnb update allows travelers to book multiple stays and combine them in one trip. This means the user can easily stay in different places over the course of a single trip. Combined stays show up as a suggestion when the guest searches for rentals in a specific destination will be a gateway to new experiences.

AirCover for guests

Airbnb has already introduced AirCover for hosts in their winter update 2021. Now the company is also offering guests comprehensive travel protection, which is included for free with every stay.

Through AirCover Guests will receive immediate assistance if their reservation is canceled, if they are unable to check in, if the accommodation does not match the initial description, or if they experience dangerous situations. A dedicated customer service team will ensure that each guest receives the attention they deserve in situations mentioned previously.


The new features in the summer update 2022 are Airbnb’s reaction to the changing needs of guests who can’t wait to travel again and discover new places after two years of the Covid-19 pandemic. While eager to travel, Airbnb guests want to remain flexible, safe, and secure.

In our extensive Airbnb guide you will find all you need to know about improving your rental business with Airbnb.


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