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Integrate external calendars: Outlook, Apple, Google, etc.

External calendars can be integrated via iCal links. We need to make a difference between booking portals - those that are not on our list of connected portals - and calendar programs such as Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar or Apple Calendar.

Smoobu calendar to integrate in external calendars

You may use, for example, your iPhone calendar to have an overview of all your appointments. You can integrate your Smoobu data there. You should bear in mind that the speed of the updates or the transmission of new events does not depend on us, but on the calendar programs. Normally these are updated at certain time intervals, sometimes daily. But it depends on each program.

You can find the iCal calendar link to integrate into an external calendar program by following this route in Smoobu: Settings - Accommodations - Edit. The check-in and check-out calendar link is shown below. Copy it and paste it into your calendar program. Here we list the most important calendar programs and the procedure within each of them.

Google Calendar
Outlook Calendar
Apple Calendar

Integrate Smoobu calendars into portals that are not on our list

It is absolutely impossible to include all the booking portals on Smoobu's interface. That is why we brought the "individual iCal" to life. If the booking portal has the possibility of integration via iCal, you can use the "Individual iCal". You can also name it differently.

In Smoobu, go to Settings - Booking Portals - Select portal - Individual iCal and click on Add Portal. There you will find the Smoobu iCal link on the left side. You need to copy it and paste it in the 'Import calendar' field of the portal with which you want to synchronize. Then copy the export Ical link from this booking portal and paste it in Smoobu, in the empty field "Calendar link from the booking portal (iCal)". Click on save. Please verify the transferred data, since there may be differences. 95% of the portals use the same standard, so the information should be synchronized correctly. Still, double check to be sure.

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More information about the Channel Manager and which portals are on the list


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