USER GUIDE: How to send messages based on triggers such as booking, arrival or departure

ᐅ USER GUIDE: How to send messages based on triggers such as booking, arrival or departure

Note: The screenshots below contain an old design. Since navigation and setup is the same, we kept the screenshots in this blog post.

Make communication easy. Use this user guide to: (A) create automatic emails; (B) send manual messages to your guests.

Instructions for Automatic Emails

A1. Click on “Settings” → “Communication”

ᐅ USER GUIDE: How to send messages based on triggers such as booking, arrival or departure

A2. Create your Smoobu email address. Once done, click on Create to start writing your mail templates.

ᐅ USER GUIDE: How to send messages based on triggers such as booking, arrival or departure

A3. Now you can create your customize mail template filling all the relevant information

ᐅ USER GUIDE: How to send messages based on triggers such as booking, arrival or departure

A4. See here how to create your mailings

ᐅ USER GUIDE: How to send messages based on triggers such as booking, arrival or departure

A5. After saving you will be redirected to the list of your templates

ᐅ USER GUIDE: How to send messages based on triggers such as booking, arrival or departure


B1. Click on the Menu symbol next to the booking, and click on “Send Mail”

ᐅ USER GUIDE: How to send messages based on triggers such as booking, arrival or departure

B2. Now you can create your mail filling all the relevant information and send it to your guest

ᐅ USER GUIDE: How to send messages based on triggers such as booking, arrival or departure