Enhance and streamline guest communication for your vacation rentals.

Boost guest satisfaction with our rental communication platform. Efficient messaging and automated responses.

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Discover the benefits of using
Smoobu’s automated communication!

All your communication in one inbox. Manage all your communication with guests from A to Z from a unique inbox.

Automate your guest communication and simplify your operations. Create all your guest communication templates and automate all your contact points to simplify your operations!

Tailored communication for a unique experience. Customize your messages at a high-level: content, time, frequency, and languages, and offer a personalized guest experience according to your taste.

Smart Hosting








Use Smoobu’s vacation rental software to host even smarter

Synchronised communication across channels. Manage all your communication from a central point to cover all the requests thanks to the sync of your multiple booking portals inboxes.

Automated messages. Create your personalized messages within Smoobu and send them automatically according to time triggers. Be sure your guests have access to the right information at the right time!

Customised messages – Tags/Templates. Benefit from templates to accelerate your guest communication and customize your messages to enhance the guest experience and reflect your vision of hospitality.

Online check-in form. Enable Smoobu Online Check-in form and collect all the information you need from your guests. Add a link directly from your automated messages or from the Guest Guide.

Happy hosting with Smoobu

Meet Heike and Jörg, Smoobu hosts. Discover how Smoobu supports them in their daily vacation rental operations.

Enhance your business performance with our integrations. Smoobu teams up with key players in the vacation rental industry. Utilize partners to streamline your business!


  • Communicate with guests via phone calls, emails, text messages, newsletter, etc. Having a personal approach to guests is important to make them feel comfortable and generate better reviews. Pay attention to the following: have a positive tone of voice, be reactive in your communication interactions, be inclusive, be clear and concise, and be open to feedback.

  • With Smoobu, you can automate your guest communications meaning you can create automated messages and send them at the right time accordingly to various timestamps. Therefore, your guests will always get the right information at the right time.

  • Here are the key moments for guest communication: booking request or direct booking, booking confirmation, sending the digital guest guide (Wi-Fi password, parking, facilities, etc.), requesting completion of the online check-in form, pre-check-in email (key and key box details), mid-stay messages, check-out, thank you message (with a review request), and newsletters. These are the basics, but you can also communicate with guests at other times.

  • Smoobu Pro includes the guest communication manager. Access all features in one subscription! If you’re subscribing to Smoobu Pro, which is the most popular pricing plan for our vacation rental management software (including the guest communication solution), the pricing would start at 23,20€ for one property.

  • Once you have connected your Airbnb and Booking.com listings on Smoobu, you’ll be able to receive your Airbnb and Booking.com messages in the centralized Smoobu inbox. Therefore, you won’t need to connect to the different booking platforms to verify and answer your mails.

Enhance your guest communication.


The ultimate guest communication guide for vacation rental hosts

Start to host smarter using Smoobu’s vacation rental software!

14 days free trial. No credit card required.