Increase your revenue with our Booking System for vacation rentals.

Accept commission-free direct bookings with Smoobu’s Booking System for vacation rental and boost your revenue!

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Discover the benefits of using
Smoobu’s Booking System!

Generate direct bookings. Getting direct commission-free bookings have never been simplier with our vacation rental booking engine software!

Easy to integrate on your own booking website. Our online Booking System for vacation rentals can be seamlessly integrated into your direct booking website, helping you boost your revenue!

Use Smoobu’s own Website Builder. Don’t have a direct booking website? We have your back with our free Website Builder integrating all Smoobu features!

Smart Hosting








Use Smoobu’s vacation rental 
software to host even smarter

Booking System. Add within Smoobu all the details of your properties: photo, cleaning fee, extra guest, arrival and departure days, discount, additional services, etc., and start to generate bookings on your website.

Insert availability calendar. Display on your website or Smoobu’s website your availability calendar through <iFrame>allowing your guests to request bookings accordingly.

Booking engine. Insert your booking engine on your website and enable guests to book your vacation rental according to your availability. Commission-free bookings.

Flexibility. Add your availability calendar and/or Booking System on your existing website and manage your bookings within Smoobu.

Smoobu’s Website Builder. Create easily your website integrating both availability and Booking System, and start generating direct bookings commissions-free.

Happy hosting with Smoobu

Meet Heike and Jörg, Smoobu hosts. Discover how Smoobu supports them in their daily vacation rental operations.

Enhance your business performance with our integrations. Smoobu teams up with key players in the vacation rental industry. Utilize partners to streamline your business!


  • A booking system (also called a booking engine system or booking tool) is an online service that allows guests to book services, products, or events. It shows your guests your availability calendar and allows them to book your property. It allows you to manage your booking and extra-booked services easily.

  • A booking system allows you as a vacation rental owner or short-term rental host to manage reservations online via your direct booking website and to record bookings. It also helps you keep track of the occupancy of your vacation rental and avoid double bookings.

  • Yes, you can integrate the booking system via a link or via html. This allows you to share your availability calendar on your own website and generate direct bookings and upselling!

  • Smoobu Pro includes the booking system. Access all features in one subscription! If you’re subscribing to Smoobu Pro, which is the most popular pricing plan for our vacation rental management software (including the booking engine), the pricing would start at 23,20€ for one property.

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The ultimate Booking System guide for hosts

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