Channel Manager

Evite reservas duplicadas

Chega de atualizações manuais!

Sites de Reservas

Todos os anúncios em um só lugar

Visão de Propriedades e Acomodações

Uma visão completa

Defina Seu Preço

Simplifique seus preços

Calendário Sincronizado

Um calendário completo

Confiado pelos melhores do mercado

Não precisa só acreditar na gente




Encontre o plano ideal para você

A partir de €29/mês

A partir de €55/mês

Feito sob medida para qualquer tipo de propriedade

erencie todos os seus aluguéis por temporada, desde apartamentos individuais até grandes portfólios, com reservas centralizadas e acompanhamento de desempenho.

Melhore o desempenho do seu hotel com reservas diretas e comunicação com hóspedes, mantendo o charme que o torna especial.

Combine experiências memoráveis para os hóspedes com uma gestão simplificada, graças a guias detalhados e reservas centralizadas.

Torne a operação da sua casa de hóspedes eficiente com reservas centralizadas e controles de acesso, sem perder o acolhimento que seus hóspedes adoram.

Mantenha todos os aspectos do seu camping organizados e destaque o que o torna único com mensagens personalizadas e branding exclusivo.

Ofereça aos hóspedes uma experiência autêntica na fazenda enquanto otimiza a operação com reservas centralizadas e comunicação personalizada.

Have questions?

  • A Vacation Rental Channel Manager is software that allows owners and property managers to synchronize their bookings across multiple booking platforms or direct booking websites automatically and in real-time. Whether you have a listing on Airbnb,, or another booking platform and even on your vacation rental website connected to your channel manager, all your booking calendars will be synched and updated once you've received a reservation. This leads to avoiding double bookings and simplifying your vacation rental management, giving you time for other activities.

  • The price for Channel Manager Software depends on the software provider. If you're subscribing to Smoobu Pro, which is the most popular pricing plan for our vacation rental management software (including the channel manager), the pricing would start at €29 for one property.

  • A Channel Manager is an absolute must for every vacation rental owner or manager. Thanks to the support of vacation rental management software including a channel manager, they can advertise their apartments on many booking platforms at the same time without double bookings thanks to the automated booking synchronization. No matter if you have one accommodation or 10, the software supports you in your daily operations helping you to manage better and smarter while reducing manual mistakes. Even if you only offer your accommodation on one platform such as Airbnb and your website with direct bookings, double bookings can quickly occur. This can be easily prevented with a Channel Manager. Your availability calendar is automatically updated with every booking. You have an overview of all bookings and your guests always see the prices and availability in real time.

  • Once your listings are connected to your Channel Manager for short-term rentals, your bookings calendar will be synchronized in real-time through all the booking platforms helping you to avoid double bookings while enhancing your daily vacation rental management operations.